Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fluoride in the water is TOXIC!!

The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception. Governments that add fluoride to drinking water supplies insist that it is safe and not toxic, beneficial for your children, your teeth etc. and necessary, however, scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their drinking water supplies have higher rates of Cavities, Cancer, Dental Fluorosis, Osteoporosis and also affects your Heart,Kidneys,Bones,Central Nervous System,Gastrolintestinal System,Teeth and other health problems. Because of the push from the aluminum industry, pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers, fluoride continues to be added to water supplies all over North America and due to recent legal actions against water companies that fluoridate drinking water supplies, precedent has been set that will make it impossible for suits to be filed against water suppliers that fluoridate. There is a growing resistance against adding toxic fluoride to our water supplies, but unfortunately, because fluoride has become "the lifeblood of the modern industrial economy"(Bryson 2004), there is too much money at stake for those who endorse water fluoridation . The lies of the benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be fed to the public, not to encourage health benefits to a large number of people, but to profit the military-industrial complex.
If it is used at all,  it only needs to be  used on the surface of teeth and then spit out (NEVER SWALLOW FLOURIDE).  It does not need to be taken internally as in  drinking water.  Fluoride is a very toxic poison.  It is a known neurotoxin -toxic to nerve tissue.

Chronic doses of fluoride, like arsenic and lead, accumulate in our bodies causing a blockage in the way cells breathe and leads to the malformation of collagen. Cancer, diabetes, thyroid and neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, heart disease, arthritis and osteoporosis have all been linked to chronic fluoride ingestion. We are now exposed to increasing doses of fluoride from toothpaste, rinses, water, food, medicines, showering, bathing, and even the air that we breathe. Our environment has become a literal fluoride dumping ground.

Educate yourself about the history and science of fluoride and fluoridation and decide what is best for you and your family
Here are some easy steps to avoiding Flouride:
Stop using/ingesting fluoridated tap water. Stop drinking it, stop making ice cubes and washing produce with it and stop cooking with it.If all possible don't bathe in flouridated water.
Buy bottled spring water. You can buy reverse osmosis water from a water store, which has no minerals. Whichever brand of spring water you drink, call the number on the bottle and ask how much fluoride is in their water. You should only drink spring water with under 0.1 ppm (fluoridated tap water has at least 1 ppm).
Filters. Cheap filters can help remove chlorine, but if you want to make sure you are getting rid of other minerals, heavy metals and fluoride, you might want to invest in one of the more expensive filters that can go into your sink ranging from $200-400.
When choosing a filter, you want one that can remove FLUORIDE, minerals, THMs and nitrates. Be sure to get a filter that is NSF-certified (a non-profit testing agency).
The filter should either work by reverse-osmosis or activated alumina
Move to a city that's flouride free. This may seem like an extreme solution, but if you have the option, not all cities have fluoridated water and Europe's water supply is 97% fluoride Free. If you live in an area with fluoride free water, take advantage of it and only buy locally grown and raised produce and meat that hasn't been contaminated with Fluoride.
Use all natural toothpaste from the health food store such as Toms of Maine or WalaVita Lemon & Salt Toothpaste . It is especially important for children to use fluoride free toothpaste since they are more likely to swallow some while brushing their teeth.
NEVER USE FLOURIDATED WATER WHEN MIXING BABY FORMULA what so ever! Too much fluoride accumulated in the body can cause dental fluorosis, and according to the CDC 1/3 of the kids in the US now suffer from this condition.

Get the MSDS Sheet Here:


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